How to Make Sharp, Long-Lasting Henna Tattoos

You need not be a professional artist to create long-lasting henna tattoos. With just a little practice, you can start personalised henna body decoration. For creating complicated henna tattoos, use a stencil. Also, instead of preparing henna paste, use a tube containing pre-made henna extracts. The following are step-by-step instructions for creating sharp and long-lasting henna tattoos.
The process of creating henna tattoos is divided into three stages: selection of henna pens, drawing the tattoo and after-care.
* Selection of henna pens: Here are the points to consider while choosing an ideal henna pen.
* Henna pens containing chemical preservatives that can result in skin allergy or irritation. Hence, always select henna pens containing 100% natural ingredients.
* While choosing colours, select pens that contain a high percentage of original henna colour. Designs created with such pens last longer than the ones created by pens with artificial colours.
* Also, select a henna pen with different types of tips. Different types of tips allow varied flow, facilitating the creation of intricate designs.
* Drawing the tattoo: Creating a tattoo design is the most crucial part of making detailed henna tattoos. To begin with,

* Clean your hands with hot water and soap. You can also wipe your palms with cotton balls dipped in astringent, to remove unwanted body oils.
* Select a design which is not too complicated. Beginners must select simple designs, with thick lines. You can draw a henna tattoo directly on your hand or use a stencil or other drawing aid. If your hands shake while drawing a henna tattoo, immediately correct it with the help of a tooth pick.

* Ensure that the painted henna lines are tri-dimensional. Flat lines do not produce good colour. Once you have completed the drawing, let it dry.
* After-care: After completing the henna body decoration, follow these tips to get sharp and long lasting tattoos.
* Make a solution of sugar and lemon juice. Dab the henna tattoo with a cotton ball dipped in this solution. Apply another layer of this solution when the initial layer dries up.

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